Sunday, May 31, 2009

Quote Of The Day

Funny Quote of The Day

Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet! They're about to announce the lottery numbers.
Homer Simpson :)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Movie Review: Meryl Streep - Sophies Choice

Movie Review: Meryl Streep - Sophies Choice

What’s this… ‘The Oscar for best actor goes to Sean Penn?’. ‘Who won the Oscar for best female actor?’ This intrigued me so I did a bit of surfing & found out that it is actually a woman who has won more Oscars than any man in Hollywood. Meryl Streep- you little diamond!!! With that, I got into the car, down to the dvd shop & got a copy of the best Meryl Streep movie in stock- Sophie’s Choice.

Having watched it twice I must say that film director David Pakula’s Sophie’s Choice is a great movie and a must see for Meryl Streep fans. This film is set in America just after World War II. Actor Peter MacNichol plays the lead character Stingo, whom by the drama is narrated by. Meryl Streep plays an excellent Sophie Zawistowski, which she won an Oscar for, and Kevin Kline plays Nathan Landau which is definitely his finest and most convincing role to date. The music creates a fantastic sense of time for this Post-War romantic drama classic and is nicely placed in the background of the story as well as in the score.

The films follows the lead character Stingo (MacNichol) on his journey to writing his novel. On his way, he meets a couple Sophie (Streep) and Nathan (Kline). He becomes great friend with them, so great that he ends up falling in love with them both. He lusts after Sophie and longs after Nathan. Nathan however is a paranoid schizophrenic who ends up scaring Stingo and Sophie towards each other for support and refuge, which turns into an affair. However, this can’t be as Sophie and Nathan are destined to be with each other and she returns to her crazed lover. The tragic ending sees all three characters at loss due to uncontrollable feelings and dismay.

The love triangle that was formed by the three main characters builds a fantastic tragic story for cinema to capture and for Pakula to present in such a well delivered piece of motion picture. This movie certainly took my mind off awards for ‘Best Actors’, but I’m sure the next time I watch the Oscars, I’ll be keeping a close eye out for Hollywood’s next Meryl Streep.

Quote Of The Day

Henry FordImage via Wikipedia

Check out our daily quotes!

"Whether you think you can or can't, either way you are right!"

Henry Ford

Friday, May 29, 2009

Review: Exercise DVDs - Mel Bs Total Fitness

Well ladies summer is finally here! Time to get to the working on the bods, the muffin top, spare tyres and all the other wobbly bits! So with this in mind I thought id kick off (quite literally) by reviewing an exercise DVD.

First one up – Mel B Total Fitness

This DVD is broken down into: aerobic workouts - beginners & advanced, resistance work workouts - legs, bums, tums, arms (all around 10 minute mark), a warm-up, cool-down and some diet/nutrition tips including recipes.
This is great because you can actually choose your own work-out plan to suit you each time. For example some days I might to decide to just do the beginners aerobics and maybe just bum and tum resistance training so you literally select these options at the start and voila you have your work-out plan. Then some days you might decide to just do upper body workout one day and then lower body the next day and so on.
The overall level of the DVD is intermediate and I found the moves to be easy to follow and so far effective. One thing that did disappoint me though was the music would you believe! Quite boring at times, felt it should definitely be bit more uplifting to get the adrenalin pumping.

Overall though definitely a keeper and you’ll certainly be a Sweaty Betty by the end of it!

Erin :)

P.S Don’t forget to let me know your thoughts on all or any reviews!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Review Anything - Movies, Ideas, Music, Places, Food, Science, Things! You Name IT!

Hi there,

My name is Erin and I have set up this blog with my co-reviewer Brian to discuss and review basically anything and everything!
You can expect to see reviews updated daily on just about anything. All opinions and suggestions welcome.

Hope you enjoy!

Erin :)