Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Review: Making Money Online - FreeSiteSignUp

Review: Making Money Online - FreeSiteSignUp

With all the make-money online scams and claims on the internet today I thought I would look into a few of these programmes and see if it is actually possible to consistently make money online. As you can imagine I came accross more scams than anything else with more on-going investment and subscription fees.

I got to stage where I was thinking is it possible to start earning money online without paying all these hefty fees?????? To be honest I was about to give up on this one then finally I came across the affiliate newtwork marketing website - FreeSiteSignUp

FreeSiteSignUp is a service offering Cash Pulling Affiliate websites which enables you to have your own website business Live WITHOUT having to pay a single penny for the service...

This concept is new ... and I have to admit at first it looked too good to be true! But that is not the end, its made better than anything else out there, by making it possible to have the website up and running within 5 minutes along with necessary guidelines to fetch traffic for free.

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The concept works great and I am now making good money online every day!
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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Funny Quote of The Day

Funny Quote of The Day

Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try.

Homer Simpson

Movie Review: La Vie En Rose

Movie Review: La Vie En Rose

Well I told you I’d be back with the next Meryl Streep and by God has she earned it. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you… Marion Cotillard. Cotillard received an Oscar award for her role in La Vie En Rose in 2008 and also received a BAFTA for best Comedy and X. The film ‘La Vie En Rose’ received 2 Oscars and 5 Cesar’s. The film is subtitled from French so it still keeps that Parisian charm.

The story is set in Paris in the 1930’s just before World War II, and gives true accounts of the life of Edith Piaf. Piaf is abandoned by her parents and is left to be brought up in a brothel. She becomes a street singer in order to earn money and then is offered a job singing in a nightclub. She eventually gets a record deal and makes it big in the music industry. The glitz and fame become to much for her and she becomes a heroin addict. She collapses on stage and becomes too weak to perform again. She dies alone at the age of 45.

The story is unique and tragic, and it really shows Piaf to be a dogged hard-done by character. Despite her fame and fortune she is destined for tragedy from beginning to end. The song ‘Mon Homme’ rings throughout the film in an enchanting way to give the movie a timeless mood with gut feelings of life-with-no-regrets and fight-til-the end. This was a very enjoyable autobiographical movie and a must-see for Piaf fans.

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Review: To Blog or Not To Blog, That is the Question

Image representing New York Times as depicted ...Image via CrunchBase

To Blog or Not To Blog, That is the Question

On June 5th 09 The New York Times wrote an article entitled 'Blogs Falling in an Empty Forest,'

This article basically talks about the high mortality rate of those looking to set up a blog as a web business.

"Many people start blogs with lofty aspirations -- to build an audience and leave their day job, to land a book deal, or simply to share their genius with the world. Getting started is easy, since all it takes to maintain a blog is a little time and inspiration. So why do blogs have a higher failure rate than restaurants?"

Its definitely not the most encouraging article you'll ever read for those of you who are looking to set up as a small business.

If business is your main motive for your blog then click here for some useful info.

This site goes through the pros and cons of setting up a blog for e-business and a few alternatives. Slightly more motivating!!!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Festival Review: Electric Picnic, Ireland

Festival Review: Electric Picnic, Ireland

Summer’s here and what better way to start planning your summer than checking out Europe’s best festivals. I’ve been to many of Europe’s best festivals including Glastonbury, I Love Techno, Rockness, Oxegen, T in the Park, Sonar, Global Gathering and more. Each one was a blast but I have to say that Electric Picnic takes pole position. However, last year (2008), when The Killers, The Prodigy and The Kings of Leon were all touring Europe, I felt I was going to be let down as they would not be stopping in at Ireland’s infamous Picnic.

I arrived on the Friday of this 3 day event and was blown away by what I saw. A festival boutique of mixed performances such as dancers, musicians, dj’s, bands, magicians, clowns, theatricals, face-painters, contortionists- the works! You name it, they had it. The décor of the festival was second to none. Along the forest walk-ways there was tasteful post-modern artwork placed everywhere, such as a tree with CDs hanging from it illuminated by a spot-light, illusionism doorways, painted flowers- all giving it that extra magical feel.

The setup of the venues was fantastic as the acoustics in the Body & Soul arena were outstandingly captivating under the starry night. The stages were of typical festival fashion with the exception that there were street performers to be seen all around during the live performances. The selection of food stalls was excellent as Japanese, Mexican and Organic food were to top my own preferences. Needless to say I also indulged in some Jim Beams and beers later. :)

The all round experience was mind-blowing as the aim of the festival was not to rely on music alone but to rely on all-round entertainment. The attention to detail was sensational as the effort put into each area was obvious from the second I entered. A great time had at a truly spectacular festival. If you visit Ireland this summer, make sure to call in.

Electric PicnicImage via Wikipedia

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Funny Quote Of The Day

Spielberg is so powerful he had the final cut at his own circumsision.
Robin Williams

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Music Album Review- 'Random Album Title' by Deadmau5

Music Album Review- 'Random Album Title' by Deadmau5

I must admit, I’m a bit of a Deadmau5 fan but this album has seemed to have slipped my attention. From back to 2007 when the track ‘The Reward Is Cheese’ was growling out of every festival in Europe to his most modern track ‘Catbread’, another treat, I have found his music to be exceptional and he shows signs of having immense talent. I know his music but I don’t know the artist so I think it’s time I do a little research.

Well, what I found out is that he’s HUGE around Europe, scooping up awards left right and centre and most recently winning Beatport’s Dance Music Awards for best Electro-House artist 2008 and is nominated again for it in 2009. That’s all good on paper but how good is his music really? Perhaps the album ‘Random Album Title’ will further educate me.

His regular style is that of an Electro-House that is perfect for the clubs in Ibiza as it borders on being Euphoric with many of the tracks being laced with cool echoes and sunshine organs. To be honest, I found this album to be more of a Trance album than that of a House album but I was attracted to the catchy hook of the track ‘Faxing Berlin’ and the hypnotic lull of the track ‘Slip’. I found the track ‘Arguru’ to be the best track on the album as its musical piano-feel that morphs into a Big Beat song is subtle yet capable of filling any dance-floor.

However, I feel that many of the tracks are too alike each other, and at no stage do they climax to their full potential. The closest thing, I felt, to the Electro-House genre, was the track ‘Sometimes Things Get, Whatever’ which in fact closely resembles The Chemical Brothers track ‘It Doesn’t Matter’ to the degree that it made me conclude that this album lacks spunk and originality. For those of you who are looking for something with more of an edge, or for those of you Deadmau5 fans out there, I’m afraid I would have to recommend giving this one a big miss.

Interesting Fact Of The Day

Title page to Locke's Some Thoughts Concerning...Image via Wikipedia

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch procejt at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Quote of the Day - Albert Einstein

If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?

Albert Einstein

Music Album Review: No Line On The Horizon - U2

No matter what they do, they do it right. U2, ladies and gentlemen, have produced yet another cracker. ‘No line on the horizon’, which was recorded in Morocco, has churned out a selection of 11 brand new juicy songs.

The opening title song introduces this album in anthemic fashion and is sure to be blown over the radio waves in style. The song ‘Magnificent’ has a Joshua Tree feel off it and oozes U2. A new twist U2 add to their album is with the song Unknown Caller which has some Middle Eastern sounds on it and is similar to the feel we get off The Killers album Sam’s Town- a nice modern touch. ‘Moment of surrender’ is delicate and simple with a slight gospel touch of it and plenty of personality. The song Stand Up does exactly what it says on the tin- it makes you want to get up and march to its thumping beat. The song Breathe is perhaps the best song on the album as it is laced with a Rock n Roll style germane to the 1960s and is complimented with a fine guitar solo echoed perfectly with piano and a cello solo- well done lads.

Like a good wine- Bono just gets better with age! His vocals are second to none on this album and the band seems as tight as, if not tighter than ever. This album is not as unique as Pop or as explosive as Achtung Baby but it certainly will be played on every radio station in the world because it’s a great listen and it was done the U2 way- world dominance with a consistently talented edge.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Book Review: Universe The Definitive Visual Guide

Well… if you’re feeling a little spaced out these days and are looking for some answers in the stars, look no further my friends- Have, I got a cosmic treat for you. The book ‘Universe’ is a definitive visual guide to everything in the universe beyond our own planet Earth. The photographs, pictures, diagrams and interpretations of extra-terrestrial encounters are SPECTACULAR.

The book takes the format of an encyclopaedia and the text is factual and informative. A lot of the information is also scientific and gives quite detailed (but understandable) accounts of scientific processes, such as the formation of Stars, the creation of the Solar System and the location of our neighbouring Galaxies-in fact it even contains a map of the Universe- genius! The diagrams include maps of all the Constellations for each month of the year for both Southern and Northern Hemisphere stargazers.

The book is very well laid out in three easy to follow sections: 1) Introduction to the Universe 2) Guide to the Universe and 3) The Night Sky. There also keys in each section that gives Information on scientist, Factfiles, Close-Ups, Historical Information and much more. The book is littered with facts and figures, yet it is very much so aesthetically pleasing. The information is also refreshingly concise and not too laboured or over-emphasised.

However factual and concise the books seems to be, I found it to be so interesting that I read it straight through from cover to cover- between the images and information on our local planet’s moons, such as the close-ups of Ganymede, to the most beautiful pictures of Stars and Nebula ever seen.

Whether you have a two year old child who likes colours or are doing a PhD in Astronomy, if you want to see the Universe in all of its glory, you will NOT find a more visually detailed book than this. DK's ‘Universe’ is a must for space-lovers and a definite for all.

Funny Quote Of The Day

How to make God laugh: Tell him your future plans.

Woody Allen

Monday, June 1, 2009

Interesting Fact Of The Day!

Coffee drinkers have sex more frequently than non coffee drinkers.

Double espresso anyone?????? :)

Music - Album Review: 'Invaders Must Die' by The Prodigy

It's number 6 in the charts, The Prodigy's long awaited album 'Invaders Must Die'.... Lets have ya. As a fan of all types of music in particular Dance/Electronic music, I had an itch on me to review a modern dance album.This album drew up some very pleasant surprises.

To begin with the title track 'Invaders Must Die' makes French-House kings Justice, look average. it has a real flarey sharp shiny sound and definitely not your run of the mill Prodigy- the days of drum n' Bass are but a ring in the sound of this new wave electro punk house album. However, there is noticeably Drum n Bass on the album with the track 'Warriors Dance' but the high pitched vocals can be disturbingly confused with happy hardcore- a stereotype that the Prodigy have been successful in avoiding since they formed.

The track 'Omen' is more typical of the Prodigy with some of those 'Fat Of The Land' riffs, however the vocals are reminiscent of something Green Day spun out in the 1990's- still it doesn't fail in being thumpin' & bumpin'.The production quality on this album is THE best around- in fact there is nothing that comes close to this high quality assembly of electronic music produced by Liam Howlett & James Rushent.

The track 'Take Me To The Hospital' twists some old samples to give it that old 'Experience' feeling which is much welcomed. The best song on the album 'Black Smoke' is a unique dance track with the feeling that The Prodigy are back with a filthy tribal sound that is not to be matched. 'Piranha' had the potential of being the album's best track, however another Keith Flint vocal-overcrowd takes away from this timeless prodigy creation.

In all I feel that this album is most certainly worth a listen, as it is honest and does not give into a potentially fatal soul- destroying commercial scene. You don't have to like dance music in order to enjoy this album, and that is a true symbol of this band The Prodigy as being martyrs to all bands.
